Nischay, a school for underprivileged girls was started as a community outreach programme by Neerja Modi School (Shri Modi Shikshan Sansthan) on 15th Oct, 2004 to provide free education to girls below the poverty line. It aims to provide these girls with quality education along with life supporting and vocational skills so as to empower them with dignity of life.
The school has been provided accommodation within the Neerja Modi school premise at Jaipur.At present Nischay has strength of 850 students who are given free education and a nutritious mid-day meal.The school started an extension of Niscahy at Chachiawas, about 130 kms from the Jaipur .
Nischay nurtured with love strives to empower the girls to build a brighter future for themselves. NISCHAY encourages the first generation learners to step beyond the underprivileged backgrounds to the forefront of the many educational and vocational opportunities available today.
Nischay runs daily classes from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm .The day begins with the Morning prayer and classes for Maths, E.V.S., Computer, English,Hindi , music,dance and Art. Besides these, regular classes are organized to teach the girls for healthy and hygienic keep up as most of them hail from slums. Nutritious lunch is provided to all the girls during the lunch break by the school.
As part of their Vocational skills Development programme the girls are being trained for Paper Craft Kits Making, Chocolate making, Diwali Diya making and tailoring.
Students at Neerja Modi School are actively involved in Niscahy to sustain the long term benefits envisaged for these girls .Students of different grade levels are associated with Nischay in a number of ways throughout the year.
Volunteers from other parts of India and abroad have also contributed in sustaining the programme.
We invite volunteers for community work at Nischay.
"Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it." - Marian Wright Edelman
Engagement in the community is pivotal to student life at NMS. The school provides opportunities to students to gainfully contribute to the community. The Community Service Programme aims to promote sensitivity in students as they deal with real world problems and seek solutions through critical thinking. It fosters skills to prepare them for leadership roles and social responsibility and reflect on their experiences and learning.
The Community service Programme at NMS encompasses:
'Kaagaz' has been started by Anant Patni and Faiz Khan. Both of them are high school students. Many of us might have questions asking how they started this and what inspired them.
Basically, they were going through the statistics of paper used v/s paper recycled, and found that paper used was three times the number of paper recycled. Keeping this in mind, they started Kaagaz, an organization which lends a helping hand to the poor people. Both the students collect waste paper from their school and various offices, and then give those papers to the recyclers, who in turn give us money. From the money which they get, they buy essential needs for the poor people and lend them a helping hand.
Facebook Link:
'People with Paintbrushes' is an online competition initiated by Tanya Sanghi, a grade 11 student of IB from Neerja Modi School. It is about where in students are given a topic every month. By the end of 6 months, they plan to put an exhibition of the paintings of the winners. The money raised from there will be used to buy educational products for underprivileged children.
Facebook Link:
'ALMS' is a community service group started by four high school students - Radhika Todi, Mehul Gupta, Pranay Mundra and Riya Modi. The founders share a common vision in 'Don't dump, donate'. In the wake of growing poverty, the organization plans to aid the deprived and the needy by raising clothes, toys and other valuables. Their main objective is to lend a helping hand and bring smiles on the faces of those in penury.
Facebook Link:
“H.U.G.S-Help Us Gift Smiles”: Janki Hariani, Aishwarya Bagri and Meesha Gupta, 11th std. students of Neerja Modi School are the youngest “social entrepreneurs” of our city with their startup.
One. Two. And Three,
These girls are not ordinary.
Their eyes so lively and bright,
Full of dreams they shine.
Their smiles contagious,
Laughter so infectious,
They have built a castle of books,
Discarded and placed in nooks.
Young little guardians of the needy,
Only for H.U.G.S are they greedy.
When you have a lot of books and you don't know what to do with them, you come to H.U.G.S. A startup initiated by 3 girls in the 11TH grade, H.U.G.S (help us gift smiles) is a book sharing platform. People who have umpteen books and issues storing them give their books to H.U.G.S. in return for exciting subscription offers and coupons from lifestyle stores and salons.
There are a lot of schools in Jaipur but most of them don't have libraries. Also, the upcoming cafes with the perfect ambience serve steaming latte but readers don’t enjoy them because these cafes don't have books to offer. We solve such problems by placing books in cafes and schools for free. Hence we utilize spare capacities and increase the cafes footfall!
Buying second hand books from H.U.G.S. is a no brainer. Choose from our wide collection available on our online portal and place your order. We will deliver it at your doorstep. We also spread education by conducting course book sales for the needy at minimal prices.
We have already earned a profit of Rs. 45000 and sold books to over 600 people through 2 major exhibitions - ADAA and FORHEX. We are in the top 4 teams that took part in TIE young entrepreneur’s competition.
Facebook Link:
NMS Changemakers’ Projects with Nischay
They inspire us, they lead us, they guide us….They make us a better citizen of the country.
“There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life”- Mary Rose McGeady
‘Memories’ is an initiative taken by Shrey Kakkar,a student of grade XII in 2014 through which he creates memories for those who are deprived of having special moments in their life by celebrating their Birthdays and Festivals. Thereby providing them with great experiences and wonderful memories for tomorrow.
Facebook link:
‘STEM& Girls’ was started by Amritesh Singh and Shrey Kakkar of grade XII in 2014 to prepare Nischay girls for the competitive examination (NTSE-National Talent Search Exam) as they do not have enough resources to do it themselves. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math and they are helping these girls by tutoring them in these areas.
Facebook Link: 903095529764604
‘Hamari Photo Kahaniya’ was initiated by Amritesh Singh in2014 with an aim is to develop photography skills among the underprivileged girls,he started conducting regular photography classes with the Nischay Girls so that they develop a creative sense or further to pursue it as a career.
Facebook Link:
‘Musikology’ of Parthesh Menon of grade XII provides the Nischay girls regular training for palying the Synthesizer and practicising vocal music. He aims to give these girls a reason to sing their hearts out to ease out their pain in hardships.
Facebook Link:
‘Under the Neem Tree’ was started by Yashwant Kumar to provide the much neede Digital Literacy to Nischay girls to make thwir work and communication more effective.
Facebook Link:
‘Hamari Panchayat’ is initiated by Shreya Poddar of grade XII with a purpose that girls should debate on various topics of their immediate surroundings and increase awareness among them of the issues that impact their lives closely.
Facebook Link:
‘Personal Hygiene Camp’ initiated by Sudhi Mathur of grade XII to create awareness among the women in the slums to maintain personal hygiene.She associated herself with Vatsalya foundation and has installed Clay incinerators in the city for hygienic disposal of sanitary napkins.
NMS students are akin of the difficulties and contingency faced by the people in the immediate and distant world community and constantly support causes alleviating the human suffering and environmental challenges.
Masti ka Pitara was started in 2013 as a mobile Toy library for slum children by students of grade 12 then. The programme initiated then is carried forward each year by the succeeding grade 12 students.
NMS students have created a Toy Library which they carry in a trunk to the Jhalana slums once a week and play with the kids there teaching them how to play the games, follow the rules and keep the toys in good condition .Today the initiative also includes training for hygienic living to the kids in the slums. Students regularly distribute toilet kits, footwear and woolen clothes to the slum kids and monitoring their efforts to lead a hygienic and healthy life.
Warm Clothes For winters
Each winter a group of students takes on the responsibility of collecting woolens in good wearable condition and distribute them to the needy people in the slums and on the streets.
Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund
Students of grades 9-12 organized a Bake Sale event and collected money to contribute for the Nepal Earthquake Relief fund.
Accident Prevention Awareness Campaign is started by students of grade 12 in 2015 in collaboration with INAYA Foundation to create among the general public safe driving and traffic habits to prevent accidents through Street plays, pamphlets and posters.